Point at yourself and dig, this is Busdriver time, but we are all the Busdriver of this rap song, looking in the mirror with a shoe as a microphone.. Thumbs was made as a mixtape by Busdriver to further explore the concept of a homogenous citizenry from his last record Perfect Hair. Garageband Ipad Apple Store

Point at yourself and dig, this is Busdriver time, but we are all the Busdriver of this rap song, looking in the mirror with a shoe as a microphone.. Thumbs was made as a mixtape by Busdriver to further explore the concept of a homogenous citizenry from his last record Perfect Hair. 0041d406d9 Garageband Ipad Apple Store

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” He seemed like a library-in-the-afternoon guy: soft and slow-speaking, pushing up his dirty glasses on his nose, a nerd in the atlas section counting how many more islands have been added to the Pacific Ocean since the 1700s.. Opening track “Split Seconds (Between Nannies and Swamis)” may be my favorite.. Another stand-out song is “Least Favorite Rapper,” featuring youngster Nocando sharing the mic.. An invitation to dip into Busdriver’s “saffron soy dip ” Are you dressed for the occasion?Then take off your clothes and relish in call and response chorus: “(call) Be yourself—(response) But I’m too embarrassed!” Hello, Existential Crisis Thesis. Tecdoc Download

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